5-Reasons - George

5-Reasons - George

We ran a competition in the May 2023 issue of the Genus Potpourri magazine.  5 reasons to love Genus trousers.  George won a Genus voucher for £50.

Love all my genus gear! Working in the depths of winter feeling happy and professional / summer feeling free and effective.

- My 3-season midnight trousers are super warm and dry and wonderful with some leggings (for snow) but still look very smart.
- all the tools are accessible for my Orangutang arms but would never fall out (still have my original falcos from 7 years ago).
-same again for my pullover / shorts really good stab proof pockets.
- all of my gear is so comfortable I sometimes wear it when I’m not at work.
- showerproof gardening hat is a favourite. The only hat I own and perfect for showers or shine! 
George is on the left in the picture.

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Plant profile - snakeshead fritillary

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Wildlife in the garden - toads

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