Carrots in pots Carrots grow very well in pots. Choose a container or pot at least 30cm deep. It could be an old bucket with holes punched in the bottom,...
Pot on pelargonium cuttings We’ve had a lot of success with our pelargonium cuttings this year. Taken in October and placed in a heated propagation unit we’ve had a 99%...
Prune Pleached Limes Now is a good time to prune your pleached limes if you're lucky enough to have them. These ‘hedges on stilts’ are a dramatic feature in a...
Beautiful April brings colour back into our lives. Magnolia, Doronicum, quince, and cherry blossom all add to the visual excitement that our gardens are now providing. Tulips, the cheerleaders for...
The last of the three autumn months, November can often bring the first snow of the year, livestock is taken inside and farmers in their heated cabs plough the fields...
Tender Plants Towards the end of the month it’s time to bring in your tender plants if you haven’t done so already. Pelargoiniums, aeoniums, Echeveria, and many of the salvias...
At some point during this month you’ll stop abruptly as you wander the meandering dew-soaked path towards the compost heap. There! You caught it again. The unmistakeable ‘season of mist...
September - the springboard into autumn with mornings noticeably cooler and the plants showing an imperceptible decline towards their golden years. In milder years many perennials such as dahlia or...
A month of holidays, of boiled egg sandwiches in the car, tea from tartan flasks and the musky, dusty, aroma of petrichor as we run barefooted back to the house...
Tame your Wisteria Your Wisteria will have put on lots of growth in the last few months with long ‘whips’ reaching out and searching for new surfaces to conquer including...
July, the month for lounging. Hammocky G and T’s, barbecues, and picnics in the meadow. Now is the time to enjoy the gardens that we put so much effort into...
Ear Clipping Furry leaved Stachys, or lambs ears as it is affectionately known, can be tidied up now. Cut back the old flower stems to the ground and use the...
Hampton Hack Following last month's Chelsea Chop can come the Hampton Hack. To be carried out anytime now and into next month many perennials will have flowered and will now...
June! The longest days and the shortest nights. Of perfect borders, well behaved plants, and frost free nights. June, the month when we can all consider ourselves excellent gardeners -...
May retains the vestiges of spring with late flowering tulips still holding court, while the summer perennials are starting to bulk up, flexing their muscles and annexing the surrounding soil. With...
High Stakes You’ll need to stake many of the taller or floppy perennial plants this month. Whether with off the shelf supports, hazel wands, willow baskets, or canes, they need...
More spuds you like The rest of your potato planting can be carried out this month but have you chitted, that is, let the tubers sprout little green shoots, in...
At last the time for wishful thinking, dreaming, and talking of ‘signs of spring’ is over. A trip into the garden will prove beyond doubt that we are now firmly...
Seed Sowing Try to hold your nerve and commence seed sowing freely towards the end of this month. Yes, you could start them earlier but do you have the space...
February, a month that always leaves us in limbo. With all the floral signs of spring, and the birds starting to proclaim their territory only gardeners could find signs of...
January, beautiful January. A new start, a new beginning, and an opportunity to right the wrongs, clear the slate, and plan for the coming year. After the overload of festivities...
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