Breaking the gardening stereotypes

Breaking the gardening stereotypes

If you thought that gardening was the hobby of choice for older people, new research suggests that you could be wrong. Research by Stewart Garden has found that people aged between 25 and 34 are not only more enthusiastic about growing their own fruit and vegetables, but that they also spend more on gardening products than any other demographic.

Those in the younger age bracket spent an average of £300 per year on gardening, whilst those aged 55 and over spent around £200. A massive 88% of 25 to 34 year olds were actively growing edible plants from seed, which accounts for a third of their £300 annual expenditure. Respondents aged 55+ appear to focus on the aesthetics of their garden, with just 23% saying that they grow their own fruit and vegetables.

Under-35s also spend significant sums on propagators, pots and hanging baskets, leading researchers to conclude that these gardeners have smaller plots of land with which to work. They were also more likely to involve children in garden maintenance, and had a preference for products made from recycled plastics.

In the middle age bracket (those aged 35 to 54), gardeners were more likely to use compost as part of their maintenance routines. Researchers conclude that these gardeners probably have larger plots of land on which to work than their younger and older counterparts. These gardeners are also believed to grow more of their produce in the ground, rather than in pots and baskets.

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