Grow vegetables for a healthy body and mind

Grow vegetables for a healthy body and mind

Gardening has been proven to have health benefits for everyone, particularly the over 60s, and helps to de-stress your body and mind. So why not use your garden to grow vegetables which you can use to create hearty, healthy dishes that will further boost your immune system and vitality?

Butternut Squash

Autumn is a great time of year to harvest the squash you planted in the spring – you can use butternut squash in a variety of soups and stews, or even make butternut squash risotto. The combination of squash, cumin and sage makes a tasty soup!


Turnips are another vegetable that’s in season right now, so prepare to whip up some delicious dishes. With St Andrew’s Day approaching on November 30th, you could make a traditional Scottish dish of ‘Haggis, Neeps and Tatties’ (that’s haggis, mashed potato and turnips to you and me).


If you’re lucky enough to have a pear tree, then prepare for a winter full of comforting desserts. A quick and healthy treat is poached pears with a little cream or ice cream, but there is nothing wrong with treating yourself to a pear crumble or tart!


Lovely leeks are perfect during the autumn and winter months, whether you make a healthy leek and potato soup or use them in pies, casseroles and tarts.

As winter approaches, it's a good time to start thinking about what fruit and vegetables you can plant in preparation for next year.

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