Why gardening is better than the gym

Why gardening is better than the gym

Gardening is not only good for your soul, it's also a great way to burn off calories in the winter months. For some people, a spot of gardening is their main form of exercise, and the average gardener can burn off 19,000 calories a year!

A spot of weeding
Whilst most people view gardening as a relaxing, leisurely activity, you can actually burn around 300 calories an hour carrying out simple tasks such as planting shrubs or using a wheelbarrow. Even the most basic of gardening activities can be calorie-intensive whilst also helping to keep you supple and flexible, with 30 minutes of weeding burning around 150 calories.

Protect yourself
If you're carrying out more labour-intensive tasks such as using a heavy hedge trimmer, you could burn up to 400 calories an hour, but make sure you take regular breaks. Protective equipment such as gloves and performance gardenwear with proper knee protection will ensure you stay fit and healthy during your gardening workout!

Squeezing in a spot of gardening after work, or spending your Saturday afternoons out in the garden will not only help you to stay fit and healthy, it will also help aid relaxation - yet another reason to brave the cold and go gardening this winter!

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