Gardeners' notes - what to do in March

Carrots in pots
Carrots grow very well in pots. Choose a container or pot at least 30cm deep. It could be an old bucket with holes punched in the bottom, an old 10 litre plant pot, or a deep trough. Fill the container with your favourite compost and water well. It’s better to to it at this stage because carrot seeds are quite small and can get washed into a clump if watered after sowing. Choose your favourite variety of carrot (we love ‘Sugarsnax’) and scatter the seeds evenly over the surface, then sieve or gently apply a thin layer of compost over the top - just a few millimetres - to exclude light. The pot can be kept in a greenhouse initially but once the seeds have germinated they do far better if put outside. If you can’t find deep pots choose a shorter growing variety of carrot such as the Chantenay varieties or the pretty round types such as ‘Paris Market’ or ‘Rondo’.
Last chance for bare root trees
If you’ve been procrastinating about which tree to plant in your garden, this month will probably be your last chance to purchase bare root specimens. Fruit trees, ornamentals, and hedging plants all come in bare root form and being field grown always represent good value compared to pot grown options. The wide range, availability, and attractive price point make them a popular choice amongst professional gardeners for mass planting, landscaping projects and those on a budget. Depending on the weather, supply can sometimes extend into April. From then on pot grown trees will be the main option.
Plant snowdrops in the green
These early spring favourites can be planted in a number of ways. They can be purchased as dry bulbs in autumn or in individual pots - the latter being more common with the expensive collectors varieties. The most popular method of adding them to your garden however, is by planting them 'in the green'. This means they are still in leaf and have recently flowered. Usually sent out in March this technique ensures faster and more reliable establishment.
Nearly always sold in multiples of 25 they need to be planted out as soon as they are received. They can be dropped singly into a simple slit in the ground made with a trowel, planted in containers, or planted in groups of 5 or 6 in a small hole approximately 4 inches deep. Don’t forget to label them - in summer the foliage will have disappeared and it’s easy to accidentally disturb them while planting annuals or newly purchased perennials.
Common varieties available ‘in the green’ include Galanthus nivalis (single flowers) and the double flowered Galanthus nivalis 'Flore Pleno'. Larger Galanthus elwesii is often available too. The very rare cultivars usually come in individual pots and command premium prices – in 2022, a single bulb of ‘Golden Tears’ sold for £1,850. Other plants suitable for ‘in the green’ planting include aconites, bluebells, lily of the valley, wood anemones, and wild garlic.