Garden trends - brilliant bricks

Garden trends - brilliant bricks

Designers are increasingly turning to bricks and clay pavers, to add warmth, character, texture and pattern to hard landscaping.  Reclaimed-style bricks have a rustic charm that work well in a traditional garden, while clay pavers can look at home in contemporary settings as well as more cottage garden styles.

Bricks and pavers are versatile.  They can be laid in numerous patterns, from traditional basket weave and running bonds to fashionable herringbone.  There is also a huge choice of colours, from sophisticated greys and charcoals to warm neutrals and reds.  Several colours can also be mixed for added variation or to define an area for entertaining, such as by creating a rug effect.

Pavers can be used effectively as detail to link or break up larger areas of stone or porcelain, tying in with the colour of other materials or providing a colour or tonal contrast.  They also work brilliantly for paths.  There’s something very inviting about a winding brick path and running bond styles leading the eye down the garden.  The zig zag pattern of herringbone paths also creates movement, but suit rectilinear designs better.

It’s wise to use bricks that are specifically made for paving as reclaimed bricks may not stand up to frost.  Also bear in mind that bricks and pavers can be relatively time-consuming to lay, especially on mortar.  Laying dry laid on sand has the advantage of being more permeable and sustainable.

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