In the Cotwolds

In the Cotwolds

Frustrated by the limitations of container gardening on our balcony, we wanted a garden, so some years ago we relocated from London to the Cotswolds. We got our big garden, but we also got a theatre full of wildlife.

The latest addition to the company is a family of hedgehogs.  We thought we wouldn't ever see this particular species because the whole garden is surrounded by rabbit-proof fencing, but maybe they walked through the front gate which is not always closed.

Last week, two hoglets were spotted in full daylight emerging from the hedge in front of the house, and a couple of days later we saw another one just sitting on the orchard lawn.

When we moan at having to drive a nine mile round trip to reach even the smallest grocery shop, at least we have the pleasure of sharing our space with such wonderful creatures.

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Plant profile - snakeshead fritillary

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Wildlife in the garden - toads

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