Podcast - Gardening with the RHS

Podcast - Gardening with the RHS

This informative podcast, presented by gardening guru Guy Barter, covers a wide range of topics, from practical episodes on how to grow particular flowers and vegetables to behind-the-scenes reports from various RHS flower shows.

Guy’s warm, reassuring tones and horticultural expertise are perfect for a gardening podcast.  Most episodes include a report from Matthew Oliver, horticulturalist at Hyde Hall, giving his useful tips and advice for growing vegetables.  In a recent episode he talks about gardening in autumn, reminding us that’s it’s actually the start of the next growing season and a good time to clear summer crops and sow a green manure, such as grazing rye, to prevent soil erosion and nutrient leaching, adding fertility when it’s dug into the soil in spring.  Heading up the Global Growth Vegetable Garden, he has masses of advice about growing more unusual vegetables in a greenhouse, such as watermelons or aubergines, recommending a summer visit to see their greenhouse in full swing.

There’s a broad range of guests and specialists, from James Armitage going in-depth on gunnera to a wider discussion on front gardens, with Frances Tophill advising on how to make them stand out in the winter months.  In an episode on roses, Michael Marriott recommends Rosa ‘Lady Hamilton’ in particular for its delicious, fruity scent and R. ‘Geranium’  for its striking hips.  Other episodes include money-saving ideas and advice on good soil.  It’s a highly informative podcast with a diverse range of experts and topics, guaranteed to teach you something you didn’t know about the marvellous world of gardening and horticulture.


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