Talking Dirty with The Get Gardening Podcast

Talking Dirty with The Get Gardening Podcast

A gardening podcast for plant lovers, this is a lively video podcast presented by Thordis and Alan Gray (of East Ruston Old Vicarage gardens) where they catch up with their friends, from head gardeners to other experts who share their passion and enormous horticultural knowledge. 

They have a good chat with gardening writer Val Bourne about butterflies and encouraging more wildlife in the garden, with plant recommendations such as Buddleja x weyeriana ‘Pink Pergola’ and the unusual Bupleurum fruticosum.  Florist Bridet Moss shares her thoughts on using hot colours such as oranges and yellows and the joys of foliage plants such as smyrnium.  Ian Roofe, The Plant Doctor talks about the exotic garden at East Rushton Old Vicarage with recommendations of plants with big leaves such as Catalpa ‘Nana’ and Catalpa ‘Purpurea’ and the benefits of pollarding them for strong growth. 

It feels like more of friendly chat with guests than an interview with Alan sharing many of the wondering things he grows in his well-known garden.  Danish gardener and author Claus Dably is as interested in interviewing Alan about his garden as talking about himself as they share tips on how to propagate dahlias, with Claus recommending the violet coloured D. Eveline and Verbena bonariensis as a good combination. 

It’s so full of broad-ranging and unusual plant recommendations that you need to have a pen and paper at the ready when you listen.  There’s also a video version on their Get Gardening Youtube channel where you can see the plant ‘show and tell’ recommendations. An enjoyable and informative listen.

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