Technology in the garden - Veritable Indoor Garden

Technology in the garden - Veritable Indoor Garden

Using fresh herbs in your cooking gives really lifts flavours and the smart indoor garden from Veritable allows you to have a range of fresh herbs and mini vegetables throughout the winter.

This well-designed device has an LED grow light system with two leaf-shaped lights on adjustable poles to mimic natural light and provide exactly the right amount of light for optimum photosynthesis and growth, even if they’re growing in a dark corner.

There is a self-regulating irrigation system with a water reservoir that you fill up every three to four weeks.  This filters the right amount of water to your plants, letting you know when it’s time for a refill by flashing blue to alert you.

The indoor garden is available in a range of colours with two or four slots for the organic seedpods called ‘Lingots’, which you put into the allotted slots.  (These are made from coconut husks and peat, which may not appeal to those trying to garden peat-free, but perhaps they’ll develop peat free alternatives in the future).  There are 60 or so of these available with herbs such as basil, dill, chives, parsley and thyme as well as compact fruit and vegetable plants such as tomatoes, greens and edible flowers.

The seeds should germinate within 10 days and be ready to harvest in four to five weeks, providing fresh herbs to harvest for four to six months.

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