The Best Black Bulbs

The Best Black Bulbs

Bulbs with velvety dark flowers make a glamorous statement in a garden.  Many varieties look almost pitch black in certain lights, then reveal more plum colours as the sun shines through their petals.  Black flowers can get a little lost in planting, so it helps to use combinations that bring out their colour.  Here are a few of our favourites:

The dusky Tulipa ‘Queen of the Night’ is a highly acclaimed classic and looks great contrasting with paler tulips such as T. ‘White Triumphator’ or the pale pink T. ‘Menton’.  For a stunning double version try ‘Black Hero' which looks great with pretty pink T. ‘Angelique’, also a late peony tulip.  Add texture and height with Allium 'Silver Spring.'

Another exotic dark tulip variety is T. ‘Black Parrot’ which has frilly petals.  T ‘Havran’ is an  excellent deep maroon-coloured tulip with elegant pointy petals flowering in April and T. 'Paul Scherer' is one of the blackest tulips around and looks amazing with bright pink T. ‘Negrita.’

Other dark bulbs include striking black purple Hyacinthus ‘Midnight Mystic’ or absolutely stunning blue black H. ‘Dark Dimension’.  Try these in a pot with pale purple violas or in a bed combined with white Anemone blanda.  For something very unusual Fritillaria persica has spires of bell-shaped dusky dark flowers and complements Leucojum beautifully.

Mass plant your sumptuous black bulbs for impact and combine with silver foliage, pinky purple Erysimum ‘Bowles Mauve’, forget-me-nots, brunnera and zingy euphorbias or feathery grasses.  Then prepare to be wowed in spring!

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