Top of the pots - planting bulbs in a pot

Bulb planting season is upon us and a great way of getting a dense and successional display of colour in containers is by using the Dutch concept of a ‘bulb lasagne’ to give you blooms from early to late spring.
A big pot is ideal to help you can pack a punch. Good drainage at the bottom is important – make sure you have a pot with enough holes and you can add a layer of grit or just good well-drained potting compost.
Once you’ve got a good layer (10-20cm) of compost, you can add your first layer of bulbs. These are the latest to flower and often the biggest bulbs, such as the tulips ‘Queen of Night’, ‘Black Hero’, ‘Jan Reus’ and ‘White Triumphator’ as well as late-flowering daffodils, or even alliums. Put them close together, but not touching. The first layer can go as deep as 20cm. Then cover them over with 4 or 5 cm of potting compost, before you place the next layer of bulbs.
In the middle layer, use mid-season daffodils such as Narcissus ‘Falconet’ or tulips such as Tulipa ‘Sanne’ or ‘Ballerina’. For the top layer, choose some early flowerers such Iris reticulata, Narcissus ‘Minnow’, crocus and muscari. Snowdrops or Anemone blanda, would also work for top layer and that way you won’t have to wait long for the show to begin!