Vlog - Garden Organic

Vlog - Garden Organic

In its video guides, the UK’s biggest organic gardening charity, looks at a range of different solutions to gardening without chemicals.  Chris from Garden Organic is a fan of houseplants and has filmed an informative video on making a mini tropical rainforest in your house, looking at how to making the right potting mix and plants to use.  In addition he has advice on how to look after houseplants, with useful winter tips such as avoiding overwatering or overheating and ways to deter pests and diseases such as red spider mite.  There is information on keeping plants robust with feeds such as seaweed extract early in the season too.

Chris, who has an impressive organic garden on his balcony, has tips on helping plants to thrive.  He uses peat free compost and plants densely and diversely, feeding with seaweed extract in early summer.  He also has advice on creating compost in a small space.

There are other useful guides on everything from building a pond and managing slugs and snails organically with traps and baits to composting, with lots of good visuals on what compost should look like and how to mix it to make various different potting mixes for different uses.  If you’ve decided to garden more organically this year, this is a good place to get inspired with some achievable tips and advice.


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