Vlog - Tanya Anderson's Lovely Greens

Vlog - Tanya Anderson's Lovely Greens

Organic gardener, author, blogger and vlogger Tanya Anderson’s successful YouTube channel, Lovely Greens, has masses of weekly posts on organic vegetable gardening as well as growing herbs and plants for making natural skincare products.

Originally from America, Tanya moved from London to the Isle of Man in search of a quiet rural life.  Most of her posts are seasonal updates from her pretty allotment with posts on jobs such as dividing rhubarb, sheet mulching, making compost, sowing and organising seeds and growing vegetables.

A dab hand at DIY, Tanya has demos on many uses for pallets including creating a strawberry planter, a cucumber trellis or a smart planting trough.  She also shows us how to make a herb spiral with microclimates for both sun lovers like thyme to parsley and chives which benefit from a bit of shade.

If you’re interested in making natural skincare products, there are lots of ideas on this too, from making carrot or lavender soap to using calendula in healing balms and much more.  Tanya also has posts on beekeeping.  Both beautiful and useful, this Vlog is well worth a watch.


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