Vlog: The Enduring Gardener

Vlog: The Enduring Gardener

Daniel Carruthers has created a garden in Chester from scratch, charting his adventures on his YouTube channel, The Enduring Gardener, where he shares his journey trying new planting combinations and creating a relaxing and enjoyable garden to spend time with family and friends

The garden started as a blank canvas, but has matured into an attractive garden with a variety of different zones.  The style of planting was initially more English cottage garden, which he said was a perfect launchpad, but he now incorporates more exotics such as Euphorbia mellifera, E. characias, banana trees, tetrapanax, paulonia, and calocasia.  As well as the tropical garden, we watch him build his gravel garden in ‘five simple steps’.  In his video ‘How to start a garden from scratch’, he talks about how he designed his garden based on repeated circles. We also see him buy and move into his new greenhouse, set it up and get growing chilli and tomatoes and raise a range of plants from seed.

Daniel has a confident and clear manner in front of the camera and the videos are short and practical with regular seasonal tours of the garden where we see everything from his blossoming apple and pear trees to the autumnal splash of his Rhys typhina and acers.

The Vlog is useful for people newer to gardening or those who want to dip into practical tasks such as pruning wisteria, figs and grasses, splitting banana plants, taking cuttings from Clematis montana, making stakes and much more.  An enthusiastic gardener, you get the impression there are plenty more exciting plants for Daniel to discover along the way.


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