Blowing in the autumn breeze

Blowing in the autumn breeze

We love our beautiful anemones that grow quietly away with little fuss or interference from us.  They bring a splash of light into the north side of the house, welcoming guests with their long, gently nodding stems blowing in the autumn breeze.

The cooler conditions at this time of year also mean that the flowers retain their freshness much longer than any summer blooms.  We planted ‘Honorine Jobert’ about ten years ago and haven’t suffered from its tendency to be invasive.  Often sold as ‘Alba’, ours is one of over 30 named hybrids in the RHS Plant Finder.

Despite the choice we’ll stick with what we know: an old favourite that comes back reliably each autumn with little fuss but plenty of wow!!

Modern heroes of horticulture - Manoj Malde

With many British gardens often characterised by muted tones and traditional cottage garden designs, Manoj Malde is undoubtedly a breath of fresh air in the world of garden design.  His...
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Plant profile - snakeshead fritillary

We’ve planted hundreds of snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris) over the years.  A member of the Lily family, they’re distinguished by their uniquely patterned cup-shaped flowers and wiry stems.  A...
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Wildlife in the garden - toads

Discovering a toad in the garden is always a moment to celebrate.  It’s almost impossible to spot one and not recount the tale over the dining table that evening.  Who...
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