Dealing with the garden glut: Courgettes ahoy!

Dealing with the garden glut: Courgettes ahoy!

Too many courgettes? There are some really tasty ways to deal with the garden glut

Here in the Genus vegetable garden, we have reached the season of the garden glut particularly the courgette, marrow and squash glut. It’s an annual phenomenon, and despite knowing it’s on the way, we still end up being a bit surprised by it!

The big issue becomes what to do with all the fruit that comes off these prolific plants. We enjoy preparing the standard ratatouille type concoction because the results are easy to portion up and freeze for an instant meal another time. There are some other great recipes though. What about a colourful striped, layered vegetable terrine for table-top impact, or some savoury courgette and cheese muffins, or even halting the production of fruit by taking the flowers to make fried stuffed flowers? There are also some very naughty recipes to use the garden glut, what about a rich chocolate courgette cake, or a frosted lemon and courgette cake!?

Time to get busy and creative indoors whilst we wait for the next heatwave.

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