Euphorbia euphoria

Euphorbia euphoria

We don’t have a huge collection of euphorbias here at Genus HQ but those we do have are cherished for their contribution to the beds and borders.  In spring visitors are greeted on the path alongside the garage to Euphorbia polychroma, one of the brightest lights in the garden, its sulphur yellow bracts catching the eye from a distance and always receiving compliments.  It’s a very tidy plant; well behaved and relatively compact creating the perfect domed mound.

Just a few yards further on and beyond the Sarcococca is Euphorbia schillingii.  At this time of year it’s lanceolate leaves with their central stripe are a subtle addition but in only about five weeks it will be in full flower.

In the main flower garden Euphorbia palustris is a  real show stopper.  Creating a large dome over a metre across and almost the same in height, its acid yellow flowers are some of the earliest in this part of the garden and  make for an arresting site drawing the eye to the far side of the pond.

Finally we have several clumps of Euphorbia ‘Fireglow’ dotted throughout the shrub border on the north side of the garden.  With its unusual but colourful red and orange bracts it spreads about gently before we split it up and add it to another gap in the garden. 

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