From cold to hot

From cold to hot

We paid for our enthusiasm and early planting when our french beans got nipped by the frost a few weeks ago but luckily a layer of fleece protected them from the extremes of the cold and new growth is suggesting that we may have been forgiven.

Now that we are well into May most of our vegetables have been planted out and we are already cropping salad leaves and some delicious young radishes.  The onions and garlic planted months ago have really hit their stride and the potatoes that we allow to grow in the compost heap have shrugged off the recent frosts and promise an early crop of beautiful thin skinned young tubers.

Strings and canes were erected for the climbing beans and we added  a few more stakes to campanula and helenium in the flower garden.  Dahlias were planted out, and finally the lawns were cut to finish another hot but satisfying day in the garden.

Modern heroes of horticulture - Sophie van Gerwen

Most of us were affected by the Covid lockdown of 2020.  None more so than Sophie van Gerwen whose contraction of the disease and the subsequent debilitating effects of long-covid...
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Gardeners' notes - what to do in January

Prune Pleached Limes Now is a good time to prune your pleached limes if you're lucky enough to have them.  These ‘hedges on stilts’ are a dramatic feature in a...
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Wildlife in the garden - egrets

Thirty years ago the sight of an egret in the UK wasn’t unheard of, but it was certainly a rare event.  Move on to the 2020s and sightings of these...
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