Potting up

Potting up

With the sun shining we decided to give the orchard lawn its first cut of the year.  We removed fallen twigs and sticks and in some areas the grass was surprisingly long, but the job was soon done with the orchard looking transformed.

Alongside the garage a narrow shaded bed is home to Bergenia, ferns and heucheras.  We tidied up the latter two removing their tatty, browning leaves but the 'Elephants Ears' had never thrived so we carefully removed them and took them to the greenhouse where they were potted them up with some peat free compost (pictured).  When they’re well rooted we’ll use them in other areas of the garden and offer any spares to friends and family.

Modern heroes of horticulture - Manoj Malde

With many British gardens often characterised by muted tones and traditional cottage garden designs, Manoj Malde is undoubtedly a breath of fresh air in the world of garden design.  His...
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Plant profile - snakeshead fritillary

We’ve planted hundreds of snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris) over the years.  A member of the Lily family, they’re distinguished by their uniquely patterned cup-shaped flowers and wiry stems.  A...
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Wildlife in the garden - toads

Discovering a toad in the garden is always a moment to celebrate.  It’s almost impossible to spot one and not recount the tale over the dining table that evening.  Who...
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