Primping and preening

Primping and preening

We spent some time in the Genus greenhouse this week.  Early mornings are always best for this operation before the sun creeps over the trees and makes temperatures under glass uncomfortable.  Some excess tomatoes we’d reserved as spares were transferred into 10 litre pots and some canes were added for support.  Our main crop of tomatoes were checked over, watered, fed, and new growth tied into their canes.

Outside, the warm damp weather has really brought on crops in the vegetable garden.  Lettuces have been ready for cropping for a week or more, the sweetcorn, though still quite short, is looking very robust, and the peas are laden with young immature pods.  In the fruit cage raspberries are just days away from picking and the blackcurrants and redcurrants are colouring up nicely; we can feel a jam making session coming on!

After cutting the lawns, time was spent in the flower garden deadheading, tying in, and generally primping and preening.  Lupins now over, were cut to the ground with the possibility of a second flush of flowers but more likely just a pleasing mound of fresh new foliage to see us through until autumn.  Young Nicotiana that we had in 9cm pots were planted in any gaps that were created. promising a continuity of colour and interest right through to late summer.

Clothes in action today: Men's Wisley Gardening Gilet

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