Scented treats

Visitors to Genus HQ have been met in recent days by an incredible scent. Along the path and next to the front door are some mature specimens of Sarcococca that we planted nearly ten years ago.
The inconspicuous white flowers release their sweet scent even when it’s overcast and on a calm day it can hang around the house rewarding us every time we pop outside to feed the birds.
In the north border we have several specimens of Lonicera fragrantissima ‘Winter Beauty’ and these also have a beautiful scent that is gratefully received at this time of year. With the recent mild weather these blooms have been visited on several occasions by foraging bumblebees who have been extremely thankful for the flowers as they stop by to refuel.
This in turn has got us into considering more scent for the winter garden and we now have Mahonia, Daphne odora, and Chimonanthus in our sights.