Signs of Spring get gardeners going

So the Spring equinox has arrived, the time when the day and night are equally long, and we know we are moving towards the longer days of summer.
Here in the Genus garden the 3-Season trousers and Hori Hori knives have been cleaned and prepped and pressed into urgent service as we notice the signs of spring that mean we need to get planting, sowing and weeding for a new round of the gardening year and nature's calendar.
Signs of spring here in the Cotswolds include the snowdrops and crocuses giving way to daffodils and tulip spears, the re-appearance of weeds in the flower and vegetable beds ….. those nuisance dandelions in particular, and the change in bird song as our feathered friends announce their intention to claim territory and raise a brood.
There may be a sense of gardening urgency, but of course Spring gives gardeners a chance to enjoy the turn of the year too, there are many great gardens that look their best at this time of year. Close to Genus the list includes Batsford Arboretum in Gloucestershire, Broadleigh Gardens in Somerset and Broadleas House in Wiltshire, all well known as woodland gardens with daffodils, magnolias and camellias looking great in early Spring.