Splitting and dividing

Some of our favourite plants in the Genus garden are also some of the most successful; they put on so much growth that we dig up and divide them every few years. Our hostas have created two huge clumps, the rudbeckia are incredibly vigorous despite being reduced last year, and the helenium and geum also seem to thrive in our well drained and much improved Cotswold soil.
In-between despatching orders, we spent a busy day digging up these perennials and dividing the clumps, potting on any we had plenty of, and moving others to different parts of the garden.
The woodland garden has excelled in places but we’re still not totally happy with the middle bed, shaded as it is by a sycamore, so we thought we’d move our hostas there in amongst the Geranium phaeum, G. nodusum, and hellebores. We divided each clump into four which gave us eight decent sized plants and the transition to their new home was swift. We’re now looking forward to next year and seeing their vigour repeated in this cool, shady dell.