Stake and Chicks

Stake and Chicks

Every year we promise ourselves that we’ll be a step ahead with the staking of plants at Genus HQ.  We rarely get it right but this year have avoided the mid season ‘firefighting’ by putting aside some time this week to get the job done.


We were half expecting to have to delay operations when we discovered some weeks ago that a thrush had made a nest right on top of our carefully stored stakes in the open fronted tool store.  It was with some astonishment that as if on message, the chicks fledged the day before!!


With link stakes and half moons we set about the borders determined to get the job done.  A busy morning saw every support we own used up and for once we feel that we can face the rest of the growing year with a degree of confidence that whatever the weather, we are well prepared.

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Plant profile - snakeshead fritillary

We’ve planted hundreds of snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris) over the years.  A member of the Lily family, they’re distinguished by their uniquely patterned cup-shaped flowers and wiry stems.  A...
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Wildlife in the garden - toads

Discovering a toad in the garden is always a moment to celebrate.  It’s almost impossible to spot one and not recount the tale over the dining table that evening.  Who...
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